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Manage Waste Without Wasting Money

Lower the operating costs and other expenses associated with managing waste — with the savings adding up year after year

While there are several major benefits attributable to the Molok® Deep Collection™ system, what often gets municipalities, property managers, and other stakeholders to really take notice are the significant savings compared to traditional waste management approaches.

While there are several major benefits attributable to the Molok® Deep Collection™ system, what often gets municipalities, property managers, and other stakeholders to really take notice are the significant savings compared to traditional waste management approaches.

Other major Molok® benefits

In addition to lowering the costs associated with waste management, Molok® containers also:

  • Enable better use of real estate and outdoor spaces
  • Improve the appearance of waste stations and the places where they’re installed
  • Help to increase diversion rates and avoid contamination penalties

Reduced collection costs
One major way by which Molok® containers lower operating expenses is by requiring less frequent collections, and the reason for this is a mix of the simple and the subtle:

  • The simple: Molok® containers have much higher capacities than alternatives, so they don’t need to be emptied as frequently; less frequent collections means lower collection costs (even if the per-collection rate is higher
  • The subtle: Molok® containers are cleaner than alternatives, plus they naturally limit and effectively contain odors, which means those longer collection intervals don’t come with undesired consequences

But there’s much more to the savings than just dramatically reduced collections…

Planning your Molok® waste station

Each facility or location has its own waste management needs, and it can be intimidating to plan/design a waste station if you haven’t done so before — fortunately, the general process is quite straightforward:

  1. Understand your waste profile and stream/separation requirements
  2. Assess the volume of each stream
  3. Select your containers and configurations

Learn more in Planning Your Molok® Waste Station.

Reducing and eliminating hidden costs
Traditional approaches to waste management come with a long list of hidden costs, including (but not at all limited to): 

  • The opportunity cost of wasted spaceThe opportunity cost of wasted space
  • HVAC and other costs associated with climate-controlled rooms
  • Construction, inspection, maintenance, insurance costs for fenced enclosures
  • Cleanup costs when dumpsters leak, carts tip over, etc. (and lost business due to repellent waste stations)
  • Pest control services
  • Laying infrastructure like concrete pads
  • Stream contamination penalties

All of these costs are eliminated or reduced with Molok® containers, which:

  • Can recover 90% of the space devoted to storing and servicing traditional solutions
  • Don’t require climate-controlled rooms
  • Are much cleaner than alternatives
  • Don’t require large concrete pads
  • Contribute to improved stream separation

Savings that keep going and going…

Molok® containers are built to last, which means you experience the savings year after year, and even decade after decade —99% of units sold by Molok® North America are still in service today.

The typical ROI for Molok® containers

Retrofits that introduce Molok® containers into existing facilities and environments typically deliver ROI (payback) within 24 to 36 months.

Molok® containers incorporated into new builds effectively pay for themselves immediately by enabling better use of valuable real estate and by avoiding many of the capital expenses required by legacy approaches

Of course, every situation is different. Fortunately, you’re not on your own — we’ve helped plan hundreds of waste stations for a wide range of facilities/locations, and we’re happy to help you plan yours, including building the business case based upon your unique circumstances.