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Meet Reencle: An odor-free, mess-free solution for your kitchen waste

Revolutionary indoor composter uses patented microbe technology to effortlessly turn food scraps into nutrient-rich compost in under 24 hours

We’re pleased to announce that Molok North America is now the official distributor of the Reencle electric composter into the Canadian market!

This innovative product is beloved within its native South Korea, regularly appears on “Best Buy” and “Top 10”  lists of kitchen gadgets, and enjoys overwhelmingly positive product reviews from its user community.

The mighty Reencle composter – ready to help your household reduce, reuse and regrow!

What is Reencle — and why are we so excited?

The Reencle Electric Composter is a sleek, energy-efficient, odor-free, and whisper-quiet appliance that uses patented microbe technology to effortlessly turn food scraps into nutrient-rich compost in under 24 hours.

It’s perfect for anyone who:

  • Grows plants, whether indoor or outdoor
  • Is looking for a clean and convenient way to produce a steady stream of nutrient-rich compost
  • Wants to responsibly dispose of food waste, especially in the absence of green bin programs or where outdoor composting isn’t an option

But to fully appreciate what makes Reencle awesome, some context is helpful.

A crash course in composting

Composting is an extraordinarily efficient and natural process that transforms organic material into a nutrient-rich, soil-like material (i.e., compost) that dually serves as a fertilizer and soil conditioner — enhancing soil structure, promoting moisture retention, and nurturing plant growth.

At the heart of this process is decomposition, performed by bacteria, fungi, and other organisms, in the presence of water and oxygen. Because natural decomposition is an aerobic process, it curtails methane emissions that result when organic matter breaks down anaerobically (for instance, when buried in a landfill).

The only real ‘downside’ of this process is that it takes a long time — typically from many months to over a year. On a forest floor, that’s not a problem, but in your kitchen it might cause some issues — and that’s where Reencle shines.

The Reencle difference

Reencle fundamentally transforms household composting by bringing unprecedented speed to an otherwise lengthy process — handling up to 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of food waste a day and delivering compost in less than 24 hours.

This swift conversion from waste into compost:

  • Makes Reencle a practical solution for kitchen waste, which tends to be produced in a steady daily stream and therefore has to be processed quickly
  • Means you don’t have to accommodate months-worth of decomposing matter or wait 6 months from starting composting before you can feed your plants

The ‘magic’ of Reencle is that it mimics aerobic composting, but employs special microorganisms — ReencleMicrobe™, a type of Bacillus — with properties tailored for the task, including:

  • An improved ability to decompose organic matter such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • A thermophilic and eosinophilic nature that helps to ward off contamination by other bacteria — the Reencle operates at a minimum of 55-60°C, the optimal temperature for activating its microbes and a level that harmful bacteria don’t tolerate
  • The ability to survive long periods of time, even in dry and harsh environments

But doesn’t it smell? No! At least, not in the way you’re concerned about. First, Reencle’s form-fitting lid and innovative three-filter system effectively trap odors inside the unit. Second, most of the foul odors that have made an impression on you from past encounters likely came from anaerobic processes, whereas Reencle employs aerobic decomposition.

Of course, when you open the unit to add organic matter or remove compost, you’ll get a whiff of what’s inside — but Reencle users generally use terms like pleasant, yeasty, earthy, and nutrient-rich to describe this scent.

Comparing Reencle to other approaches

Let’s now look at the two main alternative approaches that people consider when looking for a home composting solution.

Some of the recent compost collected from our office kitchen.

DIY composting

This tried-and-true method comes with a millenia-long track record and is a staple of farmers, homesteaders, and home gardeners worldwide.

Essentially, it’s just natural composting, perhaps with the aid of containers that make managing the organic material easier or that slightly expedite the long decomposition process (e.g., by allowing to rotate a drum to mix and aerate the decomposing matter).

There’s nothing wrong with this approach, but there are some drawbacks that make it impractical for many households — namely:

  • Once you’re set up (and ignoring any pest control costs), ongoing operation is essentially free — except for your time and energy
  • As noted previously, the natural process takes many months to more than a year to produce compost
  • Because it takes so long, you need to set aside considerable space to accommodate the large quantities of material that build up
  • The decomposing material attracts wildlife — some of which might be cute additions to your yard, but many of which are pests

If you’ve got the space, patience, and pest control systems, then DIY composting might be just fine for you — but if you’re lacking in any of those attributes, then another option is needed.

Food scrap dehydrators

There are plenty of countertop appliances (even some that say “composter” on the box) that don’t actually compost organic matter, but instead dehydrate it and break it into smaller pieces. The end result is a dry, reduced-mass material that superficially resembles compost, but that differs in very important ways.

  • Dehydrated food waste lacks the microbial life (it got cooked off) that’s so essential for soil and plants
  • Dehydrated food waste is imbalanced, and may contain concentrated levels of certain nutrients that can harm plant growth and soil health
  • Dehydrated food waste needs to undergo further decomposition to become true compost, so you have to add to a traditional compost pile or system, where it will eventually break down with the help of microorganisms
  • Due to the salt content in many foods, dehydrated food waste has very high salinity — which can be very harmful to many plants

So, while dehydrators are very effective at reducing the volume and mass of food waste, they don’t produce compost.

Plus, because rapid dehydration requires high temperatures, these devices act like small ovens; accordingly, they require much more electricity than a Reencle composter (typically 4-5 times more), which maintains a lower temperature and benefits from natural heat generation due to the chemical processes at play.

Side-by-side comparison

Here’s how the Reencle stacks up against the most common alternatives.

  Reencle Composter DIY Composting Dehydrators
Mechanism Aerobic decomposition Aerobic decomposition Temperature-based dehydration
Output Genuine compost, with healthy bacterial populations and balanced nutrient profile Genuine compost, with healthy bacterial populations and balanced nutrient profile Dehydrated food scraps with high salinity and imbalanced nutrient profile
Speed Compost ready in as little as 24 hours From several weeks (best case) to many months or even more than a year Dehydrated food scraps ready in less than 24 hours
Versatility Handles a wide range of food scraps, including meat and dairy Can handle a wide range of food scraps, but must be managed appropriately Handles a more limited range of food scraps than a composter
Noise 28 dB N/A Typically 40-60 dB*
Odor Virtually odorless Varies from low (with regular aeration and balanced input) to high Virtually odorless
Capacity 14L Limited only by the space you have available, or the size of your containers Typically from 3L to 8L*
Flexibility Add food waste anytime Add food waste anytime Some models require waiting until a cycle ends, others allow addition of food waste at any time*
Location Indoor Outdoor Indoor
Space Requirements Low Typically moderate to high Low
Cleaning Requirements Minimal General maintenance/
Minimal to High*
Unit Cost $699 From free (DIY) to a few hundred for advanced containers Typically $825 to $1,390*
Electricity Cost** $24/year N/A Typically $100/year*
Filter Cost $25/year N/A Typically $60/year to $240/year*

*Varies by make and model

**Dependent upon electricity pricing


Continuing in the spirit of information and education, here are answers to the most common questions consumers have about Reencle units.

Does the Reencle smell?

As noted previously, the Reencle is engineered to prevent and contain odors. Thanks to the triple-filter system and snug lid, odors are usually only noticed when the lid is open — and, even then, the odors are subtle and earthy.

Users have reported that the odors can change, based upon what goes into the device. Especially sugary foods can lead to sweeter aromas, for example, and brassicas (like cabbage or broccoli) can generate stronger scents as they break down. Users also note that adding spent coffee grounds to the mix has a neutralizing effect.

What kind of upkeep or maintenance is needed?

The primary maintenance activities are to:

  • Keep the microbes hydrated — if you notice the internal mix getting too dry, then adding a little water or liquid waste is all that’s needed
  • Occasionally cleaning the internal filter, if it becomes dirty
  • Changing the external carbon filter once a year

In the event that you won’t be adding new organic matter to the Reencle for a while (say, when you’re on vacation), then the manual includes instructions on how to store/preserve the microbes until ‘feeding’ resumes.

How much noise does the Reencle make?

Reencle units are whisper-quiet, operating at a volume as low as 28 dB.

If you do hear some noise (or an increase in volume), it’s usually the sound of the mixing paddles encountering a drier mix. In this situation, just add a small amount of water or liquid waste.

What foods or other organic waste can go into the Reencle?

There are two main things to keep in mind, regarding what can go into the Reencle units:

  • The Reencle can accept and break down a wide variety of kitchen scraps and organic waste
  • Different types of waste break down at different rates

The list of what shouldn’t go into the Reencle is quite short: bones, hard fruit pits, plastics (even those labeled as biodegradable).

So that leaves a long list of organic matter that can go into the Reencle, including:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Breads, grains, cereals
  • Meats (although they may break down at different rates)
  • Coffee grounds
  • Dairy products
  • Fatty foods — although it’s recommended not to put in a huge quantity, which will slow down decomposition

How much organic waste can go into the Reencle?

The system can handle up to 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of food per day, and has a maximum capacity of 14 L.

How do I remove the compost, and how regularly do I remove it?

To remove compost, simply use the scoop (which is included). Like all compost, it’s recommended to sift the mix — returning the larger pieces back into the unit for further decomposition.

To ensure a healthy microbe population, be sure that the compost remaining inside the unit exceeds the minimum level indicated inside the container.

As for how regularly, the best answer is “as regularly as you want to or need to (i.e., in the context of how much waste you’re adding into the unit)” without prematurely removing material that hasn’t yet broken down.

Don’t worry — you’ll get into a groove very quickly!

Do I have to buy more microbes?

Because the Reencle system is self-perpetuating, you only need to buy more microbes in the rare circumstance that something has caused your existing population to die off.

The main two scenarios would be:

  • Regularly removing too much compost, leaving too few microbes within the unit
  • ‘Starving’ the microbes — for example, by going away and forgetting to store them appropriately

But don’t worry — the microbes are very hardy, and replacements can easily be acquired.

How do I pronounce “Reencle”?

However you like!


Becoming the Canadian distributor for Reencle marks the beginning of a new chapter for Molok North America — not only does Reencle complement our product range by catering directly to consumers with a demand for waste diversion, but it also reinforces our core commitment to leading through integrity and customer care.

We couldn’t be more excited to contribute to sustainability, or more proud to drive forward our vision of a cleaner, greener future.

To learn more about Reencle, or to be one of the first to purchase this remarkable and game-changing device, please visit