Molok® containers have safety features that are unmatched in the world of waste managementMolok® containers have safety features that are unmatched in the world of waste management
We take safety very seriously. Now, we recognize that pretty much everyone says that, to the point that when you read or hear those words, you might tune out — but we really do mean it and we’d appreciate the opportunity to prove it to you in this post.
When it comes to waste management, there are many factors — more than most people realize — that contribute to safety, and this post will take you through them. While it’s an imperfect delineation, we’ll broadly split the discussion between user safety and hauler safety.
Keeping users safe
Let’s start with the basic design of the Molok® Deep Collection™ system. Our products conform to the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), a multi-disciplinary approach of crime prevention that uses urban and architectural design and the management of built and natural environments:
- The containers’ low height and round profile makes them very difficult to hide behind; even someone crouching low to the ground is visible, making ‘ambush’ attacks almost impossible; there also aren’t any technical reasons why they would need fenced enclosures
- Plus, because Molok® containers are clean and look attractive, they don’t need to be hidden behind buildings or placed in alleys
All of these factors contribute to a much safer environment for users (or for anyone near the containers).
Molok® containers also don’t have sharp points or edges that can cause scratches and cuts, so users won’t be needing tetanus shots.
Next, because Molok® containers naturally control odors and don’t leak, they don’t attract pests or wildlife and the risks that come with them (e.g., bites, disease, fleas, ticks, etc.). Oh, and the users themselves aren’t forced to deal with potentially dangerous leaks, fumes, overflows, etc.
Additionally, Molok® lids are easy and accessible to use, but also safe and secure. The main lid (i.e., the one that spans the whole width of the container) remains locked until opened for use (e.g., dumping contents from a cart, or during collection), while the hole under the user lid can be a full opening (standard), a variation of any custom size smaller than the opening (e.g., limit to 10” in public areas to prevent illegal dumping), or can be a slot (e.g., for cardboard). Together, these design factors mean that no one is going to accidentally fall into a Molok® container (or deliberately hide in one) and that there just isn’t a Molok® container equivalent of dumpster diving.
Finally, extensive testing — using everything from lit cigarettes to propane lighters and even good ol’ fashioned TNT (for real!) — has validated the fire and explosion resistance of Molok® containers. The low-oxygen environment within a Molok® container slows combustion or causes it to extinguish, with the effect that any fire developed “so slowly that in these cases it would not have spread beyond the container within six minutes, which is the normal response time for fire and rescue services.”
Now, we don’t want to dump on dumpsters too much — they absolutely have their place in waste management — but there’s a reason the term “dumpster fire” is not just present, but actually common, in pop culture.
Keeping haulers safe
Haulers don’t interact with Molok® containers as much as the users do, but keeping them safe is still a priority.
First, the crane-lifted emptying process doesn’t require the truck operator to touch any waste. Granted, this is generally the intention for most waste containers, but dumpsters and carts are prone to overflowing (or spilling during collection), which can force the hauler to have to pick up material.
Second, during collection the operator is outside of the truck and can keep a keen eye on the entire process, ensuring the safety of anyone in the general vicinity (including themselves). Contrast this process with a fork-lifted dumpster or a grabbing arm for carts: in both cases, the operator is in the truck but can’t really see in any detail what’s happening (e.g., if there’s spillage, if someone has wandered close by, etc.).
Third, during collection the Molok® container’s framing acts as a barrier to prevent anyone or anything from stumbling into the main well. This framing exceeds the safe railing height of 900mm as prescribed by the Ontario Building Code, and that’s not by accident or coincidence. Alternative semi-underground solutions often lack this essential feature, which creates a dangerous hazard (and often runs afoul of local regulations).
Fourth, Molok® lifting liners are certified with a safe working load (SWL), tested according to ISO 21898-standard for flexible intermediate bulk containers. To contribute to safe operation, each Molok® lifting liner is tagged with the SWL and ISO designator.
Finally, to help haulers safely and efficiently collect from our containers, we offer both in-class and in-field training on best practices.